We began with a provocative question: How might we join as urban activators in the larger physical, economic, and cultural forces that produce urban space? The culmination of our three-week project was designing and building staging for a TEDx Madrid Salon event in the San Cristobal de los Angeles neighborhood, which could be re-purposed after the event for a variety of uses by the community.
In partnership with existing community organizations, we:
My personal contributions to the project included:
- Providing leadership for the community engagement team for the project, which included:
- Leading a mini design sprint to identify key questions and issues for community members
- Initiating intercept interviews with community members
- Assisting the creation and hanging of interactive posters around the community
- Gathering and documenting input from the community for use in the design of staging modules
- Recommending uses for the staging structures following the TEDx event
- Helping to assemble the staging modules for the TEDx event
- Authoring content and contributing photographs for the project chronicle and staging structure usage guide for the community